We know that by following our values through good business practice, and by striving to constantly do better, we can help improve the industry and support global efforts to minimise the impact of our business on the environment.
Lone Design Club was founded in May 2018 as the result of emerging international fashion + lifestyle brands uniting with like-minded businesses in rising up, taking control and shaping the future of retail. We aim to connect our customer with ethical, independent fashion + lifestyle brands through a 24/7 online store, conceptual pop-up stores and experience and events. We hope to empower the world to discover transparent and unique clothing, accessories and lifestyle.
We will be deepening our approach to our ethical standards striving to constantly improve our approach and help our brands and business grow in a more sustainable way.
This code of conduct states the minimum standards that Lone Design Club expects of all its brands and partners with regards to social issues and the working conditions of all workers..
Going forward, they will be required to read and sign the declaration of understanding which commits them to comply with this Code and confirm that they share our values.
1. Employment is freely chosen
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic
4. Child labour shall not be used
5. Living wages are paid
6. Working hours are not excessive
7. No discrimination is practised
8. Regular employment is provided
9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
10. Right to Work
11. Agency workers, homeworking, and subcontracting must be monitored
12. Suppliers must ensure their operations have no negative impact on the local environment or community where they operate, this includes issues such as water and air emissions, noise, waste disposal, material compliance and chemical use. Every effort should be made to actively reduce impacts and the use of resources over time.
13. It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure they work with responsible suppliers of raw materials who can assure animal welfare within their supply chain.
14. Materials that must not be used include; fur, exotic leathers...
15. Suppliers are encouraged to work with Leather tanneries and suppliers operating under best practice and sustainable principles.
16. As part of our belief in doing business to the highest ethical standards we have zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption.
17. The term Modern Slavery covers all offences covered by the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 which includes slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. Modern Slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Brands should be aware of the policy and confirm their understanding and acceptance of it.
To ensure you know our sustainability and values are shared between us and all of our brands, each one is assigned one or more of our 3 distinct values. Symbols have been created to assign the values of sustainability, ethical practice and social elemetns to each brand, appearing under their 'brand values' on their collection pages.

A portal to our community of independent designers, open anytime, anywhere. Each designer in the Lone Design Club community is available on our online store, with exclusive glimpses into their design process and inspiration featured. The selection of designers constantly evolves as new brands join.
A portal to our community of independent designers, open anytime, anywhere. Each designer in the Lone Design Club community is available on our online store, with exclusive glimpses into their design process and inspiration featured. The selection of designers constantly evolves as new brands join.
Now: London + Greater UK
Coming Soon: Europe + Asia
Our concept store is constantly popping up in new + exciting neighbourhoods in the middle of the action. Each store is open for two weeks at a time.