Women Empower Women: Meet Our Speakers
Jump Onboard And Unlock Your Potential
This Monday 25th February, 6-9pm, Soho
By uniting independent brands, here at Lone Design Club we bring together people who are in the same boat but don't necessarily realise it, with a majority being female founded. Most of the recent businesses we see (including LDC) started with one or two people working alone. Without hearing other people's experiences it isn't possible to understand that the point you're at is completely normal. We can all learn from one another and invite you to join the conversation.
This coming Monday 25th February we are hosting an evening of entrepreneurship + empowerment in our Greek Street store - Unlock your Potential - which will provide the opportunity to get together for an intimate and interactive story sharing and hands-on learning experience; hear from some amazing women about what it is that makes them feel empowered, support one another and get tips on how to further your entrepreneurial journey and feel empowered.
We have two incredible speakers who will be telling their stories and offering super helpful advice, before we unite with LDC's Stephanie and some of our designers to share our stories and invite you to share yours.
Our first speaker is Mikaela Jackson - life coach and founder of She Almighty, the name says it all. Mikaela is passionate that women should realise their full potential and not be dissuaded by anything life throws at them. Mikaela found when she reflected on who she is, what she wanted to achieve, and what she believes in, she found her true success. She has worked with many women to make them feel empowered, have the courage to create their own success, and most importantly, love what they do and the life they lead. The biggest message behind Mikaela’s work is the drive to see gender equality in social and work life, and to see an equalisation of the pay gap. It is Mikaela’s faith in the power of women and support of one another that makes her a great speaker and perfect for our event on Monday. Mikaela really focuses on who women are and works to help them realise the strengths they already have, helping them feel empowered.
At our Unlock Your Potential event, Mikaela will be running a group coaching session. In this tried + tested session, she will be coaching us through five powerful questions followed by a five minute discussion. This means that everyone will receive personal encouragement and loads of quality information.
Our second speaker is Jo Collins, personal style executive (@jocollinsstyle) with an impressive client list and Creative Design Director at Arcadia. Jo believes in the power of first impressions. Did you know that when you meet someone for the first time, they will form an opinion of you in the first seven seconds? Jo believes in empowering through clothing, but not using your outfit as a bandaid to hide behind. Your outfit should reflect your inner strength and make you feel powerful. By feeling and looking empowered you will make a great first impression and blow someone away in that seven seconds. An experienced trend forecaster as featured on ITV's This Morning (every work-from-home-ers go to!), Jo will she sharing her future fashion trends predictions, presenting some key outfits and joining the discussion about how we can each reach our potential.
Jo will be sharing her incredible story about how she came to be in the position she’s in today, taking the fashion world by storm. Jo will be conducting a styling session using our amazing designers in store to offset some empowering looks, created by some incredible women. Jo is offering the perfect opportunity to discover the LDC brands, see how you can wear them and truly feel empowered.
After our speakers have done their thing, we will sit down with Stephanie from LDC, Mikaela, Jo, designer Valentina Karellas and a couple other LDC brands for an open discussion about their stories and journeys to entrepreneurship (which are not always smooth!), the challenges and power of feeling empowered in an intimate and interactive sharing session, and we invite you to share yours too over a few drinks (we might need them!).
Don’t miss out on the chance to hear the incredible stories of some amazing women, connect with one another and enjoy a few cheeky Monday drinks on us
This event is supported by Bumble Bizz.
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