Digital Flower Show Takeover with
Harriet Parry Flowers

Who is Harriet?

Combining her love of flowers and nature, with her background in Fine Art - Harriet Parry produces playful pieces. Conceived; on the whole, as works of art.

Harriet works with flowers across various artistic disciplines. Paying close attention to detail, colour, texture and composition; with a touch of the unexpected.

Referencing both contemporary and historical, art, fashion and film, she seamlessly unites these with the world of floral design. This approach is particularly evident in her series “Flower Interpretations”

Her floral commissions range from fashion editorials, film, tv, advertisements, events, weddings and exhibitions. Where she designs, consults and styles for private clients, companies and brands, or in collaboration with other artists.

Harriet’s designs ask people to pause. Study them. To share in the wonder of nature, and to ultimately create; just for a moment, a sense of stillness in our fast-paced world.

We have had the privilege this week to kickstart our digital flower show with this incredible artist, incorporating her beautiful assemblages into our virtual 'shop window' in an effort to still partake in what would have been our Chelsea Flower Show experiential concept store.

Where did the brand and artistry emerge?
I see flower arranging as another form of art. Flowers are my medium, they are how I paint and sculpt. My brand emerged, from this idea.
Creating art in the form of flowers, taking my lead from nature, but creating something playful often with a concept or idea informing the piece I create.

What are your main influences?
My main influences are classical and contemporary art, fashion and film. But, I'm inspired by so many could be something that's caught my eye whilst going about my day, a pattern in a piece of fabric, a lyric in a song or poem or a particular time in history as well.

What are some of your career highlights?
My career highlights are my work being featured in Vogue and the Guardian and being part of a beautiful book by Phaidon called Bloom- which featured over 80 contemporary floral designers, who have been seen to have changed the face of floral design over the last decade. I felt so honoured to be selected.

What are your thoughts on sustainable, ethical and conscious fashion?
This is how fashion should be, sustainable, ethical and conscious.
We should all be doing our bit to steer away from "fast fashion". 

There are so many wonderful brands that use fabrics that are organic and natural or create from dead stock or recycled garments and who support fair trade for example. By making a more considered choice and buying from and supporting more of our independent designers and small businesses, who create quality clothing, designed to be treasured, with a longer life cycle, then we are all doing our bit to help save this beautiful planet of ours.

Fashion is a wonderful way of self-expression and in an ideal world, it would all be about "slow fashion", sustainable, ethical and conscious.
But until the biggest more trend-driven producers take the lead and stop producing so quickly so many garments and consumers stop following so many seasonal trends, then we have a way to go! But, every little helps, so if we want to buy better, then it's important to shop around, ask questions and do a little research. Our planet needs us!

We asked Harriet to create arrangements featuring LDC Jewellery Designers
"To create these digital collage flower bouquets I am reappropriating previous floral artworks and designs, by cutting out singular stems from across my portfolio of flower works and then digitally arranging them, re-creating a new floral arrangement for these strange times we find ourselves in. My own little floral imaginary world.

For me, it has been a time where we are asked to look at how we can re-use, recycle or create something with what we already have.

It's a time where we don't have access to our usual materials. So, as an artist, I have had to create by reinventing my usual medium and mode of expression. By creating these digital collage bouquets, I am transferring flower arranging into a digital online format and presence.

There is a duality with creating digital flower collages for me, as on one hand, In this time I have felt like I want to go really look back to nature and create things that are perhaps more simplified, but on the flip side, I have also found myself creating more unnatural designs. Playing with scales of each of the blooms and using flowers from across seasons, which adds to the playful and dreamlike quality of each bouquet."

Harriet's beautiful prints are now available online with us at LDC so be sure to to check them out! And be sure to keep checking in over the next couple of weeks to see where our digital flower show takes you next!